Sunday, January 27, 2013

New beginnings

"Lauren," you say, "You have started another blog. ANOTHER one."
"Yes," say I, "Yes I have."
"Welp, what about the other one that you abandoned after 3 or 4 posts?"

Ah yes, so glad you remembered. For those of you who don't know, I did try to start my own blog awhile ago. It was a crafty blog. But as much as I love being crafty (you may take that both to mean 'making crafts' and 'plotting mischievous acts'), it is merely a hobby that I do on occasion. I found that documenting my endeavors was becoming a chore rather than another creative outlet. HOWEVER. Since I last dabbled in the blog world I have changed my status in a rather major way: I am now... a mom! New and improved, indeed!

Motherhood has definitely given me a new perspective on life. It's made me re-think every little thing I do- from my bad habits to my good ones, my schedule, my attitude and my attire (don't count on getting to wear that shrug twice!) among many others. And since motherhood is a way of life and not simply a hobby, I think it will be fun to blog about and not drudgery like my other blog was quickly becoming. As much as I like to knit, crochet, sew (etcetera, etcetera) I have found that I do NOT enjoy a list of my creative successes. Perhaps this is because it was making me start to realize how few turn out as a success. Hrrm.

Anywho, you're not here to read about all this nonsense. So what are you here for exactly? Well, that would be my thoughts, musings, ideas, notions and other such things on motherhood and my life as a mom. Not that I am an expert on the matter, in fact you might say just the opposite as I just gave birth to my firstborn (a son) last summer in July. Mostly I suppose it is for others to share in my small triumphs, frustrations, and on many occasions, a hearty laugh at my expense. (It's okay. I have a good laugh at my own expense regularly, I don't expect others not to. We all have to laugh at ourselves sometimes!) So feel free to comment and let me know that you are nodding along, or going "no no no!", or chuckling or whatever. Unless you're going to be mean and nasty. In which case please do us all a favor and go play in traffic*.

*Little man, if you are ever reading this, please remember that it is never a good idea to play in traffic. Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh! I'm your first comment! So good to see you back in the blogosphere. :-)
